Math Graph Accomplishments

My Accomplishments

Focused on Student Success

If my teaching style could be summed up in a few words, it would be that I act on the common-sense premise that student learning is the result of the studiousness of the student.

Keeping this in mind, I insist that my students do the following:

  • Pay 100% attention during class.

  • Make math their only (not main) objective in my class.

  • Take responsibility for their learning instead of expecting someone else to create understanding in their minds.

  • Work hard to develop a grip on the subject.

  • Continue working hard to retain their grip for years to come.

  • By enforcing the above, I have been able to turn around many failing students, some of whom went on to score in the high A's. I make myself available with established morning office hours to assist students. I have written and directed several plays and skits over a ten-year period. And I am a published author of two books, one of which is on

    Newsworthy Mentions

    Frank Luke, Golden Apple Award Recipient. Click Here to See Video.

    All links below open a PDF file that is safe for all users.

    Frank Luke Resume

    You can quickly and easily learn more about me by viewing my resume.

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    Florida Educator Certificate

    This is my Florida certification for grades 6-12 Mathematics.

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    Alabama Educator Certificate

    This is my Alabama certification for grades 6-12 Mathematics.

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    News Herald Spotlight

    North Bay Haven students given charge of the classroom by their teacher.

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    Florida Today Spotlight

    Rockledge High algebra teacher turns the tables on the students.

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    The Journal Spotlight

    Math class turns the tables on student learning and puts them in charge.

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    The Zane Cruzo Story

    A senior at Rockledge High School in Florida was in danger of failing.

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    Reference Letter, Ramsey

    Please explore what was said about me personally and my teaching ethics.

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    Reference Letter, Dr. Hjelmstad

    Please explore what was said about me personally and my teaching ethics.

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    Reference Letter, Dr. Plump

    Please explore what was said about me personally and my teaching ethics.

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    Reference Letter, L.E. Bosley, AP

    Please explore what was said about me personally and my teaching ethics.

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    Reference Letter, Ms. Pendlay

    Please explore what was said about me personally and my teaching ethics.

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    Reference Letter, Mimi Kuckzynski

    Please explore what was said about me personally and my teaching ethics.

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    Benefits of Teaching Excellence

    Students Become Successful

    Students are the future of America and their success is vital to the prosperity of our nation. My passion is to cultivate in them the following two qualities: 1) A deep-seated sense of responsibility and 2) The quality of working hard and sticking-it-out till the desired result is obtained. These two qualities should replace irresponsibility and the tendency to blame everyone else for their failure.

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    Communities Become Successful

    My goal is to create a community of students who will seek excellence and pursue it. Without a hunger for excellence, societies lapse into mediocrity. Our communities need responsible, hardworking, and intelligent citizens and that is what I wish to nurture in the student community — students who will go on to lead the nation to a brighter and equitable existence.

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    Math Powers the World Around You!

    Without mathematics, there's nothing you can do. Everything around you is mathematics. Everything around you is numbers.