My Vision
When we build the minds of our students, they will build the future of our world.
I began my career as an engineer.
After several years as a marketing engineer, I decided
to follow my passion and became a teacher. I have taught
in India, Dubai, and the United States. In the US, have
taught in Florida, North Dakota and Alabama. Having
taught in middle and high schools - public, charter, and
private; I have the advantage of a vantage point that
has shown me what is happening and what needs to happen.
I am focused on academic excellence, which is
different from the grade-centered policy that is
commonplace. In an age when hunger for knowledge has
been replaced by a hunger for grades, and the desire for
academic excellence has been replaced by a clamor for
'credits', it is time to make changes that will
transform our system of education, and will power the
future of America. Please join me in this journey and
let's do great things together.
A Path Forward to Success
I would like to create an Education System that:
Is focused on student learning—a system that does not allow the process to get lost in teaching-pedagogy or teaching-technology (we have become teaching and technology focused, and have lost sight of student learning).
Does not allow student testing to destroy student learning.
Does not cover up the lack of academic skills of our students with good grades.
Rebuilds the most important pillar of education that currently lies broken in pieces.
Improves the three efficiencies of our education system—fiscal, time, and effort.
I would like to:
Bridge the current gaps between education policy implementation, education policy formation, education research, and the reality within classrooms across America (currently, our good intentions are falling through these four gaps—thereby plunging the efficiency of the entire system).
Ensure students make math their only objective (not main objective) in their math class.
Create a seamless blend between state standards, curriculums, textbooks, classroom teaching, and student-testing (the current disjointed system has wreaked havoc in classrooms across the nation).
Do away with the insulation between those who form education policy and those who implement them in our schools and classrooms (the current insulation between policy makers and policy implementers is redolent of the disconnect the governing board of Chrysler Inc. had created between them and the shop floor, thereby reducing an American icon to a byword in ineptitude and inefficiency).

The Four Pillars of Education
Teaching—done by teachers.
Nurturing and Disciplining—done by teachers and other authorities, especially parents.
Studying—done by students in order to acquire knowledge.
Practicing—done by students in order to retain that knowledge.
The fourth pillar—practicing—has been eroded to such an extent, that it barely exists. It has been reduced to about 10% of what it ought to be. Testing has replaced practicing as the fourth pillar with disastrous results. This needs to change.
Empower Students To Be Leaders
I often tell my students: "Education is not what we teach, education is not what you learn, education is what you retain of what you have learned—for years and you are then able to use that knowledge in different circumstances."

One of the best things we can do as educators, is to inspire our students to work independently and become original thinkers. We need to set standards of student-disposition and student-behavior that create academic excellence and the expansion of mathematical intelligence naturally.

When our students become independent thinkers, they will be able to think outside the box. They will then build their confidence on their skills, not on hollow slogans like "I am awesome." This is a critical breakthrough that is needed urgently.

I have students who come to class before school begins. They take my lesson plan and teach themselves. They complete their classwork before school begins and their homework during class. Then they ask for more work. They are hungry for knowledge.
Comparison of Time Distribution
Time Distribution In The Current System:
Teaching & Learning: 45%.
Practicing: 10%.
Testing: 45%.
This system was not created by teachers, principals, or parents.
Time Distribution As It Ought To Be:
Teaching and Learning: 18%.
Practicing: 80%.
Testing: 2%.
This is a student-centered system, focused on academic excellence.
Pouring more money into our K-12 education system will not only be useless, instead, it will further reduce the efficiency of the entire system because the extra funds will be used to further bloat the 'teacher training' and 'student testing' components of our education system, thereby squeezing the 'practicing' component even more.
Meanwhile...As I wait to acquire the authority to transform American education, I am working as a math teacher, teaching middle and high school math at Bay Haven Charter Academy in Panama City, Florida—the highest performing middle school in Bay county, Florida.