Open the World of Math!
Learn to communicate with the world around you.
Frank Luke, Educator
Frank Luke brings an international
perspective to any project he works on, having lived in
India and the Middle East. He also speaks 3 languages.
Frank is quite an innovative teacher and his
teaching methods have been published all over the
country. One of his innovations is to have student
volunteers teach portions of his class. Students
discovered that the best way to know and understand
something is to have to teach it to someone else. Under
Mr. Luke's guidance, students became so enthusiastic
about learning and teaching, that parents came to class
just to see it happen.

6 Reasons to Learn Mathematics
Math is Used All Over the World
Math is at work all over the world and has existed for centuries.
International Business Success
In terms of international commerce, math helps a great deal.
Education and Research
Math connects the points of study for any research paper, and it also powers all subjects of education.
Rocket Ships and Space Travel
To the moon and back would only be a meaningless phrase without math.
A Perfect Companion for Traveling
No matter where life takes you, math is the perfect companion for traveling. Numbers are at play everywhere you go.
The Queen of the Sciences
Out of the many elemental forces, mathematics is the queen of the sciences and number theory is the queen of mathematics.